Sunday, October 16, 2016

EQ Learning and Wellbeing Framework


Learning and wellbeing are inextricably linked — students learn best when their wellbeing is optimised, and they develop a strong sense of wellbeing when they experience success in learning.

Happy, healthy and confident young people are vital in securing a strong future for Queensland, which is why the Learning and Wellbeing Framework will be used in Queensland state schools from 2012.

Students themselves identify schooling as a key influence on their wellbeing. Whether it is the positive impact of a great teacher, an inspirational and engaging classroom lesson or that bit of extra support provided at just the right time – there is no doubt that a student’s experience at school has a significant impact on their wellbeing.

In turn, schools are only too aware that students with high levels of wellbeing make better learners — they demonstrate more effective academic, social and emotional functioning and generally engage in more appropriate behaviour at school. Parents and carers have the most significant impact on their child’s wellbeing, and their partnership and active participation in school activities are welcomed and encouraged.

This framework connects the elements of curriculum, environment, policy and community that enhance wellbeing for learning and life — complementing the exceptional work already happening in state schools. It identifies ways to support students and it will be a useful, important and practical resource for state schools to improve outcomes for all students.

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