Monday, October 31, 2016


Resilience is a person's ability to bounce back after disappointment, their capacity to recover from adversity, to get up when they stumble, to keep on trying. Resilience is a way of talking about a person's mental pliability, their emotional toughness.

Resilience is essential for both academic and social development. Unfortunately many students arrive at school with low levels of resilience. In order to achieve in the classroom and be happy in the playground, teachers must actively work to build children's resilience.

This blog was put together by an Edge Hill State School Professional Learning Community. It is an attempt to resource ourselves and our fellow teachers with information, inspiration and teachings tools on resilience.

You might like to start by looking at ACARA and Education Queensland documents, or these posts on understanding resilience.

You might also be interested in the topics under LABELS on the right hand side bar. 

Thanks for visiting.

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